Springtime Resolutions

5 Tips for personal renewal (As featured on www.slotomagazine.com

Most people set sights to the New Year with resolutions that will foster positive changes in their life. But after a hectic Christmas period with its gift-hunting stress and overindulgence in fatty foods and sweets, followed by a New Year Eve’s party; most of us wake up on January 1st with a headache and desire to stay in bed for a couple of weeks.

As we enter spring, on the other hand, we are well into our work routines and feel energized by the rising temperatures and longer daylight. This is the time we can place attention to our health, habits and personal welfare.

Here are five tips that you can implement this spring for positive changes in your life:

  • Go for Nature walks

    The air outside is getting warmer and plants are in full bloom. Visit a nearby forest or park and go for at least one hour walk every week. Fresh air and physical activity can lower your stress-levels, improve your cardiovascular system plus you get to burn that extra ‘holiday’ fat!
  • Go for local produce

    Instead of purchasing imported vegetables and fruits, go for locally produced products. This has two advantages: first, you support your local farming community and second, you begin to incorporate fresh vegetables into your diet that will benefit your health.

  • Deep cleaning

    So, you have started by taking care of your body, but its ‘habitat’ is equally important. By this we mean your house! Spring is well known to induce allergies due to pollen and dust in the air. Over 50 million people in the US alone suffer from nasal allergies. Make your house allergy-proof by vacuuming and dusting all nooks and crannies in the house, disinfect surfaces, wash all your linens and blankets and shake your rugs outside and let them stand under the sun for a day or two.

  • Check up on your health

    How long has it been since your general check-up at the doctor or dentist? Make an appointment with your GP or dentist to check up on any discomfort you may be feeling. There’s nothing like having a year without illness or injury and prevention is often enough to avoid any mishap.

  • Out with the old, in with the new

    The concept of renewal can also apply to your personal belongings. Go into your closet, medical cabinet, storeroom and pantry and get rid of old, expired and defective products. Any clothes you no longer use can go to charity and you’ll be making a difference in the world!

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A short history of St. Patrick’s day (As featured on www.slotomagazine.com)

Today, millions around the world celebrate St. Patrick’s day, but few know the origins of such a celebrated tradition. On March 17th, the streets in many cosmopolitan cities such as New York and Chicago will harbor hundreds of thousands of participants as they march through a town painted green.

But how did it all begin?

It has to begin with the man himself, St. Patrick, who, contrary to common sense, was not born in Ireland but in Britain and was under the control of the Roman Empire. He was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland, where he converted to Christianity and spent much of his life there as a missionary.

Did you know that St. Patrick was not born in Ireland? 

He died on March 17th, 461 AD, to be forgotten for centuries until legend and myth grew around his name, and Ireland adopted him as its patron saint.  A common legend tells of St. Patrick’s great influence in Ireland by driving away all snakes from the island.

St. Patrick is reputed to have taught about the Holy Trinity with the three leaves of a shamrock (or three-leafed clover). In the 18th century, Irish folk started wearing shamrocks on their coats to honor their Irish and Christian origins. Soon after, the Irish started wearing entire suits in green.

In the 1840’s there was a dreadful famine in Ireland, forcing many to migrate to the United States of America. Over half a million Irish reached New York harbors in this period, known as the Potato Famine.

With a strong Irish community in New York, the first St. Patrick’s parade was celebrated there in 1762. Today it is the Big Apple’s largest parade with over 200,000 people participating in the parade while enjoyed by close to 3 million spectators!

As many as 90% of Americans celebrate this date every year!

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